
Welcome to the Lewis and Clark Middle School Choir Site!

If you are a substitute teacher, go to the class page you are teaching in the main menu.  A link to the Weekly Organizer Google slide for each class will be listed.  The kids have access to this and will be able to follow the lesson for the day.  Please take a peak, in case there are a couple of activities that need to be timed.  Thank you!

The choir program at Lewis and Clark Middle School includes 6th, 7th, and 8th grade choirs and a morning Swing Choir.

All choirs are taught the basics of music, proper singing technique, concert etiquette sight-singing, history, expression, and anything else that may help them be successful.

Music selections are based around a wide variety of genres.  Students are taught to appreciate strong musical lines and to enjoy many styles.

Performances usually include 3 concerts per year.  They typically follow the schedule of a holiday/winter concert, early spring (March) concert, and a performance at the end of the school year.  All choir students are required to attend the performances (it is equivalent to a test).

Swing Choir- This is an optional choir that meets two mornings/afternoons a week.  Students may need to give a small audition to participate.  Music selections are based around the lighter genres (pop, broadway, jazz, rock, etc.).


It is important to the sound of the choir that all choir students actively participate with focused singing in every choir rehearsal. Students are given 3 points a day for their active and positive participation. If a student is not feeling their best, they have the choice not to sing that day, but will not receive their participation points. These students need to inform the director at the beginning of the rehearsal time as to why their level of participation is not at the highest.

It is also important to the success of the choir that students are helping to make the class a positive experience. Students MUST focus so the teacher can teach and the students can learn. Students will also get 3 points a day for their behavior and level of focus. A student that has chosen not to participate without informing the director, will receive 0 behavior points for that day.


BEHAVIOR: 3 Daily Pts



AUDIENCE: varies with the nature of the performance

Concert Attendance

Choir students are required to attend all choir concert/performances. Because a performance is the final step in the musical learning process, the concert is a test grade. If your child is unable to attend the concert, please provide a written not of the emergency reason or it will be a zero in the grade book. I can be emailed at mcquillana@billingsschools.org or called at 281-5948.

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